Archive | June 2017

Back in T.A.G!! #TheAdultGrid

I decided to take another look at #TheAdultGrid last week & realised my Avatar there is over 3yrs old… That time went very fast! I took the plunge & purchased a Region, $15 for 15,000 prims YAY! So now I am busy saving my stuff & uploading it to #TheAdultGrid & enjoying being in a Virtual World again. I am not sure if its because its still fairly new & it feels lighter to me, I am busily releasing some of my clothing there. They have a fantastic Marketplace, I absolutely love it! I am using their networked vendors which work directly from the marketplace, Brilliant!

I did have some items I released there 3yrs ago, I was only there for about 2 months then, but I did make some sales & the money was still sitting there waiting for me, so I managed to rent a shop in a Mall.

Now that I have a Region though all of my focus is on building that up. I have my store up & a few vendors in it & some gardening items around the shop. I will make a page here dedicated to #TheAdultGrid for the items I have so far released there. In future though all Brand New Releases will be for both #TheAdultGrid  & #InWorldz

I currently have about 12 New Releases sitting in my inventory at #InWorldz they have been sitting there for months I just haven’t released them because I lost my enthusiasm. Being in #TheAdultGrid has brought it back… so its busy busy busy to get them all out in BOTH grids 😀

A Happy Virtual Life has been restored 😉

Rosa 😉

Rose Petal Island #TheAdultGrid

Britannia West #InWorldz